Greetings brethren, Here's another lesson on liberalism. Old saw, same tree. Unfortunately, still needed. Zeke Flores Rio Grande Valley church of Christ Belen, NM ******************************************************************** "And Now, A Word From Our Sponsors" Intro Last lesson (Orphan Hater) focused on one facet of division begun in 30's-60's in churches of Christ regarding orphan's homes. A. The whole thing was over whether a church can support a human institution (orphanage) from its treasury. 1. Both sides claimed authority & battle raged heatedly and bitterly until division split many churches. B. The real issue is actually much older. 1. In 1849, Christian Missionary Society was founded. a. Alexander Campbell was founder & 1st president. b. Solicited $$ from churches in order to fund missionary work. c. Its support was actually made a test of fellowship in some areas. 2. The Missionary Society thus became the impetus for other organizations formed to do the work of the church. a. Today some churches act as the "Missionary Society. 1) Solicit $$ from other churches in order to undertake some evangelistic effort they couldn't otherwise afford. 2) Thus, they are called the "Sponsoring Church" b. People asked, "What's wrong with that as long as people hear the gospel?" c. They asked the same thing about orphanages, hospitals, and nursing homes. d. Remember, the real issue: A "middleman" organization standing between the church and the work. C. Today, we'll look further into the "sponsoring church" arrangement. I. The Sponsoring Church Arrangement - A Brief History A. Broadway church of Christ - Lubbock TX 1. After WWII, there was tremendous interest in evangelizing Germany, the nation defeated in the war. 2. Broadway church elders solicited money with the intent on having the oversight of the work in Germany. a. Thus, you have churches sending $$ to a church that will oversee work in another country! B. Union Ave C of C - Memphis, TN 1. About same time, Union Ave church wanted to do the same thing with evangelism in Japan. 2. The same thing happened: One church eldership overseeing the work of many churches in a foreign country. 3. The same pattern replicated over & over throughout the 20th century. C. Some may ask, "Well, what's wrong with that?" D. Remember the need for authority 1. 2 Tim 3:16-17, Col 3:17, 2 John :9 E. Further, there are boundaries given to the oversight of an eldership. Elders are limited. 1. Acts 20:28 a. Ephesian elders were to oversee the Ephesian flock. 2. 1 Peter 5:1-2 a. Notice again the limitation in oversight. "The flock of God among you" 3. The Broadway and Union Eve elders were NOT limiting themselves to the oversight of the flock among them. a. They overstepped and took on more than what God had given them as elders (2 John :9) F. Notice also the divine pattern for supporting evangelism: 1. Local church selected preacher - Acts 11:22-24 2. Local church sent preacher forth - Acts 11:22, 13:1-3 3. Local church supported preacher directly - Phil 4:15-16, 2 Cor 11:8-9 II. Consider some other examples with a slight twist A. "One Nation Under God" Campaign 1. Sycamore church on Cookeville TN wanted to send out literature to every home in the U.S. 2. Original goal was to collect $17 million, then $10 mil. B. The Herald of Truth 1. Highland church in Abilene, TX solicited $$ for radio & television. 2. Interesting sidenote: At first, preaching on Herald of Truth was very doctrinal, then got softer & softer focusing on a more positive self-image. As result, preaching in churches got softer & softer. C. In Search of the Lord's Way 1. Edmond C of C solicits $$ for national TV show. D. Worldwide Evangelism Satellite/Cable TV Network 1. Liberty C of C - Dennis, MS solicited $$ for a worldwide TV network teaching the truth on salvation. 2. Diverse programming from sermons to puppet shows E. Again, what's wrong with that? 1. After all, didn't the churches in Macedonia & Achaia send to the Jerusalem church? 2. Yes, BUT the church in Jerusalem was IN NEED. 3. By and large any of these churches previously mentioned are not needy. Most, if not all, are large churches with huge contributions. a. Edmond church alone averages over $20K/wk! 4. The problem is churches & their elderships taking on work that is too big for them. a. Sponsoring church arrangement cuts the autonomy of the local church. b. The local church is sufficient for its own work. 5. The largest scope of pooled funds is that of the local church's treasury - 1 Cor 16:1-2 for the needy saints. F. Remember the question? 1. Where is the authority (CENI) for any local church to send funds to any "middleman" organization, institutional board or sponsoring eldership? G. There is a pattern whereby we can know what is right. Conc. Let us always choose God's way in performing the work He's given us. A. INV